Meeting Chair & President-Elect, TWS-WS | Jeff Alvarez, The Wildlife Project – |
President, TWS-WS | Brooke Langle, SWCA – |
Professional Development Chair | Janine Payne – |
Meeting Planner/Project Manager | Candace Renger, TWS-WS – |
Meeting Registrar | Shannon Lemieux, UC Davis Road Ecology – |
Team: |
Awards Ceremony | - Rich Burg, CDFW/Retired
- Brooke Langle, SWCA
Audio Visual Captains | - Sam Sosa, USFWS – Chair
- Laura Coatney, Swaim Biological
- Chris Duran, Swaim Biological
- Debra Hawk, California High Speed Rail Authority
- Leslie Koenig, Swaim Biological
- John McNerney, City of Davis
- Dave Riensche, East Bay Regional Park District
- Celia Tarcha, Swaim Biological
- Don Yasuda, USFS
Birds of a Feather Networking Events | - Jeff Alvarez, The Wildlife Project
- Matthew Betthelheim, AECOM
Breakfast Roundtable | - Lisa Fields, CDFW – Chair
- Wendy Loeffler, Recon Environmental
- Shay Zanetti, USFS
- Thea Wang, Endemic Environmental
Capstone Presentation | |
Children’s Activities & Family Room | - Luma Fowler, Endemic Environmental
Cornhole Tournament | - Rick Williams, PG&E/Retired
Diversity Committee | - Thea Wang, Endemic Environmental – Chair
Exhibit Hall + Artist Recruitment | - Emily Culhane, FWS Forestry California
- Jennifer Lee
Group Games | - Matthew Bettelheim, AECOM
Karaoke | - Laura Coatney, Swaim Biological
Keynote Speech Coordinator | - Jim Sedinger, Univ of Nevada Reno, Retired
Field Trips + Local Arrangements | - Brian Fagundes, Point Blue
- San Joaquin Chapter TWS
- Donna Noce
- Marile Colindres, CDFW
- Alexander Welch, McCormick Biological
Logo Gear + Zazzle Store | - Taryn Cornell, Dudek
- Lisa Achter, Rincon Consultants
Member Town Hall | |
Mentoring Program | - Shannon Lemieux, UC Davis Road Ecology
- Katie Rock, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Museum of Outdated Technology | - Cynthia Perrine, Northern California Regional Land Trust
- John Perrine, Cal Poly SLO/CDFW
Open Mic Night AND Career Advice Booth | - Katie Smith, WRA, Inc
- John McNerney, City of Davis
Photo Collection Submissions and Slideshow/Photo Booth | - Eveline Larrucea, Biologist/Ranch Manager
- Emily Culhane, FWS Forestry California
- Jennifer Lee
Photographers | - Eveline Larrucea, Biologist/Ranch Manager
- Howard Clark, Colibri Ecological Consulting
- Eric Stitt, ICF International
- Marile Colindres, CDFW
- Chrissy Sousa, Shasta Land Trust
Plenary Session | - Jeff Alvarez, The Wildlife Project
Poster Session Co-Chairs | - Carlos Alvarado, Ascent Environmental
- Allison Fuller, Ascent Environmental
Printed Program Editing | - Debra Hawk, High Speed Rail
- Rick Williams, PG&E/Retired
- Chrissy Sousa, Shasta Land Trust
Raffle and Auction | - Carolyn Buesch, CDFW
- Vanessa Lozano, Endemic Environmental Services
- Trinity Pineda, Endemic Environmental Services
- Alexandra Lyon, Endemic Environmental Services
- Chrissy Sousa, Shasta Land Trust
- Jessica Copeland, UCSB
- Julie Vance, CDFW
Social Media / Canva Design / PowerPoint Announcement Slides | - Carolyn Buesch, CDFW
- Taryn Cornell, Dudek
- Leslie Koenig, Swaim Biological, Inc.
Student/Early Career Professional Activities | - Shannon Lemieux, UC Davis Road Ecology
- Katie Rock, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
- Elizabeth Meisman, Cal Poly Humboldt/Dudek
Student Judging Coordinator | - Eveline Larrucea, Biologist/Ranch Manager
Survey Coordinators | - Thea Wang, Endemic Environmental
- Lisa Fields, CDFW
Student Quiz Bowl AND Wildlife Trivia | - Rhys Evans, Vandenberg Space Force/Retired
Volunteer Coordinators | - Kristen Burgess
- Anita Lahey
Yoga | - Kelly Holland, GEI Consultants
Workshops, Trainings & Symposia | - Small Mammal Symposium – Brock Ortega, Dudek AND Ashleigh Pryor, McCormick Biological
- WildCAT – Natalie Greer, Stantec
- Training for High Speed Rail Jobs – Debra Hawk, California High Speed Rail Authority
- Cybertracker Certification – Casey McFarland, CyberTracker Conservation
- CA Wolf Udpate – Kent Laudon, CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife
- TWS Certification Application – Kelly Holland, GEI Consultants
- Publishing and Peer-Reviewing Scholarly Papers – R. J. Gutiérrez, Univ of Minnesota, Retired
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